Streetscape Character Analysis of Charlton Avenue

Durand Neighbourhood

This Streetscape Character Analysis (SCA) focuses on three blocks of Charlton Ave between James St. S. and Bay St. S. This analysis spans three blocks because the number of included lots was lower than elsewhere due to a variety structures not applicable to the SCA. Included are both detached homes and low rise apartment buildings. Excluded are commercial/professional buildings, as well as mid-rise apartment buildings. All the structures included in the analysis were constructed late in the 19th Century or early 20th Century. The home marked with an * indicates there reference house for the analysis.

The SCA for this area demonstrates that the dominant character is A-A-A. See below for details on how this was determined.

Front Yards  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: Fully landscaped yard7X
Group B: Landscaped in front of the house width only0
Group C: Landscaped in front of part of the house5
Group D: Small or no landscaped yard0
Parking and Driveways  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: No streetscape impact from on-site parking7X
Group B: Low streetscape impact from on-site parking1
Group C: Medium streetscape impact from on-site parking1
Group D: High streetscape impact from parking4
Main Door  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: Main door facing the street13X
Group B: Main door does not face the street0