Streetscape Character Analysis of Wesanford Place

Durand Neighbourhood

This Streetscape Character Analysis (SCA) is focussed on Wesanford Place, a small cul-de-sac in the northern part of Durand near City Hall. The streetscape is made up of mostly post-war infill housing of one to two stories in height. The house marked with a * indicates the reference house for the analysis.

The SCA for this area demonstrates that the dominant character is B-B-A. See below for details on how this was determined.

Front Yards  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: Fully landscaped yard1
Group B: Landscaped in front of the house width only8X
Group C: Landscaped in front of part of the house3
Group D: Small or no landscaped yard0
Parking and Driveways  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: No streetscape impact from on-site parking1
Group B: Low streetscape impact from on-site parking9X
Group C: Medium streetscape impact from on-site parking1
Group D: High streetscape impact from parking1
Main Door  
Number of HousesDominant Character
Group A: Main door facing the street12X
Group B: Main door does not face the street0